Connected to Internet but Cannot Browse
Jul.26, 2004 in
This troubleshooter details a list of steps to perform if you can dial up and connect, but are unable to load webpages.
A) Dialup to WingNET B) ping by name 1. Go to "Start" then "Run" 2. Type "cmd" and click "OK" 3. At the command prompt, type 'ping' and hit enter. 4. If you get the following results, then your problem is in your browser: Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=63 Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=63 Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=63 Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL= NOTE: the number above may differ ---Go to step D--- 5. If it does not work, continue to step C. C) If it doesn't work, go back to step B and enter 'ping' instead. If you receive the above results, please contact tech support. If you do not receive the above results, continue to step D. D) telnet wingnet: 1. Go to "Start" then "Run" 2. Type "cmd" and click "OK" 3. At the command prompt, type 'telnet 80' and hit enter. See if it opens a connection. 2. If it does, type "GET /" and see if the wingnet page comes up 3. If it doesn't, there's something blocking port 80 traffic. (Contact tech support) 4. If it does, it's a browser problem. Try another (separate) browser.